by Aggie Perilli
My husband, Michael, and I adopted a 15-pound Bichon Frise Poodle named Raphie from the Last Chance Ranch Animal Rescue in Quakertown, Pennsylvania. Ranch volunteers had rescued Raphie from a high-kill shelter, where he lie hiding in a fetal position in the back corner of his cage.
Rescuer Barbara Maroney had led Raphie into the lobby to meet Michael and me, and the skeletal Poochon dropped belly-up at our feet.
Playfully, Barbara spun Raphie around on the concrete floor.
“He’s so sweet, you can really have fun with him,” she said.
Cautiously, Raphie clung to Barbara.
Michael and I looked at each other and smiled. Raphie needed a home, and we ached over the passing of our aging Maltipoo two months earlier.
As Michael drove the three of us home, Raphie sat on my lap and rested his paw on Michael’s arm. The three of us bonded instantly.
As Raphie settled into his new home, he chased his ball with so much exuberance that he skidded into the wall, clonked his head on the coffee table and resumed running as if nothing had happened.
No longer trying to hide, Raphie stood tall with eyes bright and his tongue hanging out in a wide-open smile.
The Last Chance Ranch and other animal rescues could use your donations. One of the most rewarding ways to donate is to adopt a pet. Enjoy your grateful rescue’s unconditional love and enthusiasm!
Aggie Perilli is president of Aggie Perilli Communications International.
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