Honors & Awards

APCI and client successes include:

Recognition for library research client’s information services website at annual meeting of the global Association of Independent Information Professionals.

Communicator Awards (2) from The Arc of New Jersey for inspiring 8-year partnership with The Arc in Somerset County. APCI outreach consistently provided a voice for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities; enhanced their equitable inclusion and community participation; promoted ways to prevent some disabilities; increased financial donations and the businesses that hire people with disabilities as well as the projects provided to Arc occupational centers; and expanded philanthropic and volunteer partnerships.

Award of Distinction from The Communicator Awards for 8-year Pfizer multimedia security campaign in 15 languages. Selected from 6,000 entries judged by the Academy of Interactive & Visual Arts with industry leaders from Disney, WIRED and MTV.

Awards of Excellence (2) for Pfizer recruitment brochure and 10-year finance quarterly newsmagazine from the New York Society for Technical Communication.

Certificates of Achievement (2) for 4-year Pfizer information-technology periodical and global information protection calendar from the New York & New Jersey Association of Graphic Communication.

Certificates of Special Merit (2) for information-technology marketing publication and 3-year international pharmaceutical quarterly newsmagazine from the New York & New Jersey Association of Graphic Communication.

Award of Merit for 3-year global bimonthly health-education report from the New York Society of Technical Communication.

Gold Award for 3-year global healthcare quarterly from the Neographics Graphic Art Association.

As a journalist prior to APCI, Aggie Perilli received a Citation for Meritorious Enterprise Reporting for her investigative article on the Princeton area’s collaborative land management from the New Jersey Press Association.

The Poetry in Transit program of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, selected Aggie’s poem, Riding Waves of Joy, for a 2024 rotating bus exhibit countywide. Lancaster is among cities worldwide proud to showcase the poetry of local writers in mass transit systems for the inspiration of millions of riders daily.

Volunteer Leadership